Laboratory and Scientific Equipment – AMS Core samplers (full set with kit), Eijkelkamp Double ring Infiltrometer, Munsell soil color chart, Delta-T PR2/6 Soil moisture profile probe with HH2 meter, SA-1050 Soil mixer with Aluminium Cup, Delta-T SM150T Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor, Delta-T GP1 GENERAL PURPOSE LOGGER, Gel Documentation System with Colony Counting Facility, Bio-Rad Automated Gel Imaging Instrument, GE Healthcare Ettan IPGphor 3 IEF System, Cole-Parmer Electrophoretic Blotting System, 3 Cassette capacities, Cole-Parmer Dual Cool Electrophoresis System w/Casting Kit, Metrohm 892 PROFESSIONALRANCIMAT (For oxidation stability study) -Complete Package includes onsite commissioning , maintenance & training.